Weight management and behaviour change with Dr Lucy Burns...

Season #1 Episode #62

In this episode of The Happiness Hive we delve deep into the heart of health with weight management expert and behaviour change specialist Dr Lucy Burns. In a society that glorifies thinness, Dr Lucy Burns is a staunch believer in self-compassion as a driver of change. Listen as Dr Lucy shares with us the manipulation of the food industry and how make healthier choices. 
Dr Lucy Burns is passionate about health, helping people optimise their health and improve their metabolism by looking at the whole person and evidence-based
approaches that address food, sleep ,stress and strength. Dr Lucy graduated from Medical School at Monash University in 1993. After having her own weight loss epiphany she became a certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician and a clinical hypnotherapist.

In this episode you'll also hear:

- why "maintenance mode" in dieting is a myth and what to do instead
- how trauma can lead to using food as a coping mechanism
- why you should be discerning about the "health washed" aisle in your supermarket
- Dr Lucy's unique perspective on 'everything in moderation'
- why weight management is so much more than "eat less and move more"... and so much more!

Connect with Catherine here:

Connect with Dr Lucy Burns here:
IG - @real_life_medicine
FB - @reallifemedicine

This podcast is produced by Nikki Voxx from Quintessential Being