New Year, Fabulous Next Level You Guidebook


The New Year, Fabulous Next Level You Guidebook is designed to help you take an honest look at the year that was, and make a powerful plan for the new year ahead. It’s more than just goal setting – it’s about reflecting on what worked and what didn’t work in the previous year, and identifying strategies to move forward with clarity, focus and vibrant, sparkly energy!

My goal is to help you create a life you are excited to jump out of bed every day to live and the New Year, Fabulous Next Level You Guidebook will help you on your way.
It is based on the process I go through at the end of every year to bring the year to a close and get ready for the new year ahead. You can make it your own and use it as it feels right for you – there is definitely no right or wrong way to create your dream life!
Regardless of the year you’ve had, now’s your opportunity to make plans for a bigger, brighter and ridiculously amazing year ahead. Now is the time to dream BIG and make the coming year your best and most beautiful year yet.
This Guidebook is divided into two parts – the first part is for all areas of your life, or what I like to think of as the personal components of your life. And then the second part is devoted to work or business (depending on your situation) as this is usually a pretty big chunk of your life.
This comprehensive Guidebook is your essential companion to achieving not only a wonderful year ahead, but an entire lifetime of success. It includes a set of prompts for you to reflect on the year that was and prepare yourself for an exciting, and wildly successful upcoming new year and beyond!
It’s time to take charge of your new year — the Fabulous Next Level You awaits! Get the New Year, Fabulous Next Level You Guidebook today and start building momentum towards the life you’ve been dreaming of. Make it one you are excited to live!


New Year, Fabulous Next Level You Guidebook





Hi Gorgeous, I'm Catherine!

I've overcome my own limiting beliefs and helped countless others do the same. As someone who specialises in helping women navigate life transitions and break free from self-doubt, fear, uncertainty, and a whole range of other limitations, I know that it's possible to transform your life and achieve your dreams.

My mission is to help women, just like you to wholeheartedly believe in themselves and their dreams and guide them towards a life they are excited to jump out of bed everyday to live.

"Be the change you want

to see in the world."

(Mahatma Ghandhi)